
Results for category "2008"

21 Articles

Little Bird

While I was lifting weights
   one morning,  silently
a little blue bird
   with flecks of black on her feathers
flew to my window
   and happily watched for awhile
My blithe, buoyant, companion
   finally flitted away and, so it seemed,
my heaviest burdens lifted with her
   into the heavens and back again
Worry is a kind of prayer
Deep secret hopes silently strain
Life isn’t always unfair
Little bird

-June 21, 2008-

A Tender Wisdom

Things happened before life—
   liquids boiled
   boulders toppled
   volcanoes erupted
   twirling waters fell
Panic shocked his mind alive
   like being punished
My vision’s cold
   the earth’s so old
I’ll soon be gone
As short and irrepressible as life
There’s serenity
   in austerity
No joy
   without intensity
Summer again—
   the seasons flare and go
   like lightning
Even in sleep
   pain which can’t forget
   falls drop by drop
   upon his heart
until, against his will,
   a tender wisdom soothes him
   in its grace

-June 8, 2008-

Time rips

Time rips all masks—
   you joker, you twister, you addled
      teller of tales…
No one waits for me by the train
   No one cares when I get home
Sweetly the waves stroke the shore
   Serenely the moon tugs the waves
She looks so longingly into my eyes
   and still can’t see me
In this way the gash may heal
But look at that goofy wrinkled face
   accentuated ears,
   and sorry, thin nose
Vile pink flowers
   in a room full of laughter
So many wrong turns
   and false steps along the way
Where do we go?
I don’t see everything
   but I see the birds in the trees
   and, as I ascend,
   the light gets stronger

-May 21, 2008-

Mine alone

She appears, disappears
   focuses, blurs
irrepressible, violent
   like a root shoves boulders it
   breaks through the crusty earth
   and lives
serenity—for billions and billions of years
peace—for billions of years to come
all those who crave oblivion
will get their wish
That marvelous day on the beach—remember?
   we took your kids and mine
I really loved you then and thought
   perhaps our fractured families
could come together and heal
Lashed on all sides
   a face that crumbles like a block of stone
This is a room you leave in sadness
But you didn’t want that
   our kids didn’t want it
that little glimpse of happiness was mine alone

-May 3, 2008-

In the Spring

The toxic Spring sky
   hovers over poisonous blue leaves
You’ve been warned
The tears stream down
   from granite deadened eyes
I go on a tight knife’s glint
   over glassy blue ice
Hands free
When I hide this impenetrable fear
   no one sees
Some trees grow straight
   they reach for the sky with ease
By chance
Some are cracked and knobby
   in the Spring

-April 20, 2008-

Little Sparrow

She wants to drive her motorcycle
   really fast
She wants to dance
I buckle in this solitude
   and wish again
I knock, but the answer’s plain
Little sparrow sings
   “my ruined, ravaged heart”
Spring is back
Radiant, laconic, disciplined
   No one else sings like that

-April 5. 2008-

Move on…

“Move on”
You say it with a smirk
   but can’t say it straight
because it hurts
“Move on”
The little one
   with his bubbly enthusiasms,
where’s he?
“Move on”
With an edge of anger
   or the sharpness of hate
“Move on”
When the last spark leaves him
   and the buildings come down
We’re just a blip here
   we hardly mean
Then the sister had a baby
   and the brother-in-law remarried
   and the uncle was promoted…
“Move on”
As a girl, her dad took her fishing
   She’s fishing with him still
There’s dad’s boat as it leaves
   trailed by its raw, sure, buoyant,
bubbly stream

-March 24, 2008-

The Road

Only through the deepest, dank dark
Only through despair’s ripe core
On the wrong side of this evil, stark river
   at the beginning, by the blistering cascades
too dangerous to cross
The touch of a whore
   feels about the same as the one you adored
close your eyes and it’s even true

I know all about loss
   and the wound that won’t heal
With a weary defiance
   I met every blow
and fiercely returned the same
I don’t yet find a safe place to cross
   If, as you say, I’m really a fish
I’d swim beneath the churning dank grey
   I’d even forgive
I’ll follow this damn river ‘til it’s gone
   to the wine dark sea if I must
Rage, foul river, rage
An old religion teaches
   a way to enlightenment through suffering
It’s not the road I’d pick
   but it’s the road I’m on

-March 8, 2008-

Night Song

What gets you through the night?
   Whatever it is, it’s okay
The nights are long, cold and lonely
   If it’s prayer, pray for me
   If it’s drink, drink to me
   When you dream, dream of me
I still look for luck charms
I haven’t given up
An enormous tough beast
   in a roiling constellation
   its muscular arms tightly clenched
You can’t just wish yourself past this
   and thinking doesn’t help
Slowly the old clenched arms release
What is it?
   If it’s prayer, pray for me
   If it’s drink, drink to me
   When you dream, dream of me
If it’s song
   sing to me, when you can,
sing to me

-February 24, 2008-

January 25, 1964

An old black door
   swings back and forth
   no reason, just the breezes
   open and shut
She found her other in him
   deep in the netherworld of self
   so sweet
   so complete
Now she knows:
   “what was flesh is now sand
   what was blood is dust”
The doctor said:
   “If he’s still alive after the weekend
   give us a call”
Somewhere in a place
   between waking and sleep
      she’d retreat
I hope, in those moments,
         with him
back and forth
   here again
   though his lips have changed
   they are the same lips
   though his eyes have changed
   they are the same eyes
open and shut without reason
   the way two old lovers
   long parted,
   still feel a tug
   whenever they cross
Tell his boys, he said this last thing:
“We had a lot of fun here
we had a lot of fun in New York”

-February 9, 2008-